July 28, 2015

Vote Pick Manip

Vote by number in the comments for what you would like most. Single vote only per person.

Top voted pic wins after a week.

Donate $15 to guarantee a manip... top vote still wins too. Just list the # in the donation.

Each pic is limited to what I see in it, so choose accordingly! If more that one thing is listed and only 1 person in the pic feel free to choose which of the options.

UPDATE: 6 have been paid for by one awesome donor so far. They have been crossed out in the list below, so if you happened to vote on one crossed out feel free to vote again.

Please only vote for 1, I will only count the first number.

1. Donk of course

2. Centaur / Donktaur

3. Devolve / Ape

4. Pig / Dog

5. Dog / Satyr ?

6. Piggie

7. Wolf

8. Muscle and or Orc ($10!)

9. Muscle Orc ($10)

10. Canines or Canine and Pig

11. Wolf / Dog


  1. I vote #2 - Donktaur!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 1. for me, especially if you give him massive ears :D

  4. 3 - my favorite transformation is hair growth

  5. i vote for number 1 or 5

  6. hmmm hard to pick just one, but... 10 for me

  7. Number 2, please!

  8. Wow! Thanks to the awesome donor!

    I vote 4 - would love to see big boar balls stretching out (or perhaps overflowing) that little jockstrap

  9. #5 please! Would be so hot!!

  10. I would like to see the satyr in Number 5

  11. 5! The satyr option
